Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Discusses Overestimated Synchronous Atomic Composability

2024-06-20 09:24 0 快讯

According to BlockBeats, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has shared his thoughts on synchronous atomic composability, stating that its importance is overestimated. Buterin made these comments during a social media discussion on June 20. He highlighted two main issues he faces:

1) He has coins on Optimism and wants to pay Bob, but Bob is only on Arbitrum.

2) He has coins on Taiko and wants to use a dapp on Polygon, so he needs to send the coins to Polygon to use the dapp.

Buterin emphasized that these are not high-level technical issues that can be solved by addressing synchronicity. Instead, they are user experience issues that can be resolved through the following methods:

(i) Broad adoption of ERC-3770, making the chain part of the address, so the address becomes a self-contained 'how to pay me' identifier again.

(ii) A cross-L2 exchange protocol, such as ERC-7683, so you can send across chains programmatically without worrying about which specific intermediaries to trust and which APIs to connect.

(iii) Wallet integration, so cross-L2 sending can be completed by entering the recipient's ERC-3770 address in the same text box, just like regular sending today.

While solving technical issues can indeed make the process more efficient, especially by making cross-chain exchange markets more friendly to liquidity providers and reducing withdrawal times from one week (optimistic rollup) to one hour (current zk rollup) to one slot (ideal zk rollup with proof aggregation), Buterin noted that there are still multiple orders of magnitude of undeveloped benefits that do not involve synchronicity.
